
Showing posts from March, 2016


             The Universe is the Strongest Power and its an Energy called Cosmic energy which responds to our thoughts and the feelings. Whatever we ask from Universe we get in Return. We are an energy so the Universe Responds according to the feelings and vibrations we send for particular things or person or situations. Everyone must have read or watch or heard about “The Secret” by Ronda Bryn. Whatever she have explained in the Movie and Book exactly what happens , but at the same time what feelings you generate with the thoughts. If your feelings is not strong but there is thought in your mind than it will not work.                           Suppose You want to be Youngest Entrepreneur in Forbes than you need to visualise it, imagine it that you are already youngest entrepreneur, work on it, plan for it, believe for it and feel love with your work, team and customers. Than the Universe responds, if you just have thoughts ad o feelings of love than its an illusion which will no

Power of Connecting with God

God’s Love brings out the best from within. When one is connected with the Supreme Power who is an image of perfection then You get Inspiration from within and perform Miracles. With the connection with God and with an experience of His Love, it becomes easy to be in touch with the innate qualities of Peace ad Purity. In every circumstances, the presence of God becomes a Great Motivator to express the Inner Beauty. When you give positive vibrations to yourself saying that you are deeply connected with God then you are able to be connected with the innate beauty and the vibrations touches you. God response what kind of vibrations you send, more you are Grateful for what you have and feel happy more goodness and miracles happens. Thus you are able to find and maintain the inner beauty under all circumstances and able to find solutions of all problems. Stay Bless and connected with God...Cheers..!!!

Thoughts for the Day

“ This world is our classroom! And all living beings are our teacher, including ourselves. Always be a   Learner and keep Achieving Your Goals ” “Doubt and Faith” both are state of mind. Doubt creates the Darkest moments in our Finest Hour. While Faith brings Finest moments in our Darkest Hour..!!” Always have Faith in whatever You do...!! “Be a Writer of Your Life and Reader of Your Mind. The more you get to know Yourself, the Less You need to approval for others..” “Rise above little things. Be a Big thinker. You are what you think. So just  think Big, Believe Big, Act Big, Dream Big, Work Big, Give Big, Forgive Big, Laugh Big, Image Big, Love Big, Live Big. Carry that List and you’ll start feeling Big. Be a Believer and you’ll Be an Achiever…” “Dare to Reach into the darkness…To Pull Someone into the Light…Remember strong people not only stand up for themselves…They Stand up for Others…too…” “No One is so Rich that they can get back their Past; Nor is anyo


When you make your mind free your creativity increases and you are able to get solutions of all questions related to work or nature or spiritual. A free mind is open to everything and attach to nothing. The problem with people is they spend most of their time looking for reason to be offended. An open mind is never offended as it is free from attachments. It is not the self which is offended but the illusion that the self have of itself that is affected by insult. If you can really understand this, deeply grasp its truth, Live it each day, then there will be no more pain. Next time whenever you feel offended look closely within yourself at yourself and ask yourself what was offended ? If you remain aware, then you will see that it was only an image of yourself which you had become attached. If you weren’t attached, if you didn’t identify with the wrong image of yourself then there would be no offence taken. You would then remain Free and therefore Happy. 


Take out time for Yourself, go out and sit with Nature for a while, creativity will start flowing. You will know what exactly you want to be in Life. Put yourself in a creative space and make time to write. You can write poem, fiction stories sitting with nature as this allows to make your brain works more creatively. You can write about Yourself, you don’t have to write about others. Don’t let the rules of language become a barrier. Evoke a moment  in time,  a person, an event, an impression, a feeling an insight. Give voice to the deep and meaningful part of yourself. Be Honest of Yourself, be Brave, be Creative and Write. Don’t think of others how to improve them, improve yourself first. Check every mistake you make as these will give you personal growth in Life. You don’t have to teach people what to Follow , people will correct their own mistake and grow by observing you as an example. When someone says something which you don’t like, don’t see the other persons negativity

Thoughts for the Day

“Lesser the traffic Thoughts in Your Mind. Easier is the Journey of Life… Put a full stop to waste thoughts and think positive…” “If you speak badly of others the negative energy that you put into the Universe, will return to you. The same is True with Positive energy…” “Strength does not come from Winning. Your Struggles Develop Your Strength. When You go through Hardships and Decide not to Surrender that is the Strength..” “To Ensure Corrections are Sincere, Check Your Intentions and Fill Your words with good wishes without offending and Insulting the Other person..” “Believe it or not, A Never give up Attitude is the only difference between people who are successful and those who are not. It’s Simple…” “Purty of Heart and Clarity of Mind gives the Surety for Life. We should stay committed to our Decisions, but Stay Flexible “ “The Size of our P roblems are nothings as compared to Our Ability to Solve. We over-estimate them and underestimate our ability. Nev

Beauty is Life

Becoming aware of own gifts and those of others fills life with beauty. When you become aware of others' unique gifts, you can encourage them to develop them. Using your own gifts enriches others as well as my own-self. At times of need, you are able to draw on these qualities. Life brings certain situations that seem difficult and challenging. When such situations demand something from You, there is a tendency to either say 'no' or to try and escape. On the other hand, when You say yes to the situation You will be able to discover skills and talents within Yourself, that You never knew You had. You will thus be able to receive blessings from many. Just say to yourself that “Today I will do one thing that I have been avoiding to do; I will use all my skills and energies to make it happen. I will then automatically receive help and good wishes from others, which would help me further in succeeding”. Learn to create silence in your mind and peace will flourish in your h
"When we talk, we are only repeating what we already know... But when we Listen, we may Learn something new...! Let's talk Less, Listen more and Learn More...!" "Jealousy mostly comes from Low Self Worth and Comparison. So, Build your Self Worth and Stop Comparisons....Be Secure in Yourself and Understand that Everyone is Unique..!" "Generosity is giving without wanting anything in Return. Simply Accept whatever comes back or doesn't come back.." Whatever is Your right will come Back to You..."! "Those who accept Responsibility Never Fail ; Either they "WIN" or they "LEARN"..! LET's keep Learning and Win...:)" "Even after working the whole day from Morning till Evening, a person doesn't get so much tired as he would in just a second of anger or worry..!" This is happens when you start doing Meditation for 5-10 min.. So, Let's not get tired by anger or worry..! "The Power of

Thoughts of the Day

"Sometimes we need to be hurt in order to grow, Fail in order to Know, Lose in order to Gain. Some  Lessons are learned Best through Pain..." "Trust is like a Sticker. Once it  is removed it may stick again, but not as strong as it holds when you  first applied..." "Fear does not have any special power of its own, unless you empower it by submitting to it. So, Lets disempower Fear by Ruling Over it..." "If you don’t make the time to work on creating the Life we want, we’er eventually going to be  forced to spend a lot of time dealing with a Life we don’t want..." "Doubt your doubts,  not your confidence. Lets not allow our doubts to erode our self-confidence. .." "Instead of complaining that the Rosebush is full of thorns, be Happy that the thorn bush has Roses!  Go 24hours without complaining. Then watch how your Life starts changing. Lets appreciate  everything and not complain even once..." "W